Trisha Tests: Positively Icelandic #3

Stunning photograph by the very talented Jonatan Pie.

So update number 3 already -  I have to say that at the moment I am finding Icelandic harder to learn than Mandarin Chinese! It has been a slow week due to the Easter holidays, however the positive plus…I have kept going. Lots of small steps still move you forward!

Goal Seeds this week…

So this week I am planting 3 little goal seeds that I hope by the end of this challenge will be growing.

Goal Seed 1:

To work on the pronunciation of the Icelandic alphabet.

Goal Seed 2:

To find an Icelandic italki tutor and get working on vocabulary building.

Goal Seed 3:

Be able to start an introductory conversation.

What I have learnt so far…

  • Not be be afraid of scary long Icelandic words. They are really just lots of little words all brought together.
  • A brilliant Icelandic hack to use the tone of my voice to sound more fluent then I really am! Check out the video below to see how…
  • Being positive really does make you a lot more productive AND I have found it also gives me an energy boost!


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Want more advice on how to be Positively Productive in language learning?

Check out my new eWorkBook

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3 thoughts on “Trisha Tests: Positively Icelandic #3

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  1. Those pronunciation tutorials are really helpful. I also use them to improve my pronunciation in French and German. You are doing great. Continue like this and show us more of your progress!

    Liked by 1 person

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