Hello there, bonjour, hola, 你好, latcho divvus…
Welcome to Language Learners Journal! A blog for those interested in learning languages, journaling, and self-development. Where we can share our experiences and goals. Language learners supporting language learners with guest support from professional linguists.
A Bit About The Blog…
Language Learners Journal was born in October 2016. The blog focuses on a more holistic approach to language learning. Incorporating positive psychological techniques to motivate language learners online. In September 2017 Language Learners Journal became a social enterprise with the goal of promoting language learning, confidence, self-esteem and cultural diversity both online and externally.
A Bit About Me…
I’m Trisha!
I have an academic background in scientific research, with the focus being on psychology, not linguistics. So I am approaching language learning from a whole different and fresh perspective. I did a science degree, not an art one so please don’t judge the spelling, hahaha. I have also worked for many years in PR and Marketing and as a Senior Wellbeing Advisor in adult mental health.
In my spare time, I love learning new languages, traveling around the UK and Europe, cappuccinos and playing hide ‘n’ seek… Jumping out on my husband and family when they least expect it!
My mission is to inspire and motivate language learners, whilst sharing my own experiences and language learning goals too. I do not consider myself to be polyglot, but rather a ‘polynot’, who can scrape by in at least 7 languages.
As long as I can order food and coffee in my target language then I am happy.
Current Languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Icelandic & British Sign Language (BSL).
Opportunities & Online Collaborations
I am currently seeking new opportunities both online and face-to-face. I am open to collaboration work, guest posting and sponsorship deals with brands as long as they stand within the values of this site. I am also happy to speak at any motivational events within the UK and online.
If you are interested in guest posting for Language Learners Journal please get in contact…
My Guest Posts
10 Actionable Steps to Motivate Language Learning - JabbaJabba
First Steps - Getting Started in Languages - Language Learning Library
Let’s Be Friends…
I would love to hear about your experiences and language learning goals or if you have a question you can email directly: languagelj[at]gmail[dot]com. You can also message me on my Twitter or Facebook page. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter! It’s free from spam and we take privacy very seriously.
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